Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Gifts #8-12

#8 Sharing with Little Lady (my 2nd girl) on the need of faith in Jesus and hear her affirm that she does believe

#9 A hot cup of tea on a cold rainy day
#10 Playing pretend play with the kids, Sir Knight (my oldest) is Mr Fix-it

#11 The littlest finally able to do the "yeh" sign for photos

#12 Hubby bringing my Christmas present home and Sir Knight HUSHING him, making sure he does NOT tell what is inside
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  1. Oooo... 是什么呢?我好好奇喔... 看起来很大!thinking along the lines of sewing stuff or another apple device/accessories Or cooking related... ?!?? 到时请揭晓答案!
